Mycoplasma genitalium


About Mycoplasma genitalium

  • Caused by the bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium, genitalium (also often referred to as MG) is a non-notifiable STI .
  • Many M. genitalium cases are asymptomatic. When present, signs and symptoms are similar to those of chlamydia infection.1
  • Persistent infection due to treatment failure is common, due to increases in antimicrobial resistance.1
  • M. genitalium is an established cause of PID, urethritis and cervicitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

  • Screening for asymptomatic M. genitalium infection is not recommended, aside from sexual contacts of a confirmed case.2
  • Nucleic acid amplification testing on high vaginal swab for women. First pass urine specimen for men, or where a self-collected vaginal or endocervical swab cannot be taken.1,3
  • When possible, test for macrolide resistance mutations and treat accordingly. See the Australian STI management guidelines for further information about treatment options. 

Follow-up and management

  • Test of cure should be undertaken 14-21 days after completion of treatment, only when there are ongoing symptoms and/or risk of reinfection or sequalae.3
  • It is recommended that ongoing sexual partners of the index case are tested and treated. The time period for contact tracing is currently unknown.1


For more information about Mycoplasma genitalium, see:

Australian STI Management Guidelines: Mycoplasma genitalium



  1. Australasian Society for HIV Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine. Australasian Contact Tracing Guidelines 2016 [updated 2016; cited 2022 16th June]. Available from:
  2. Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. Treatment Guidelines [updated July 2021; cited 2022 16th June]. Available from:
  3. Australasian Sexual Health Alliance. Australian STI Management Guidelines for use in Primary Care 2018 [updated December 2021; cited 2022 16th June]. Available from:

MoCCA is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1150014) and is a collaboration between the University of Melbourne and our project investigators and partner organisations in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Click here for a list of our collaborators.

The information on this website was last updated in June 2024. 

We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which this research is being conducted.
